Windows Phone Support Tool

Windows-Phone-Support-Tool_1 Updating your Windows Phone handheld device in order to get the latest features and enhance the handset’s performance is usually a matter of pressing a few buttons. Normally, any problem that might occur is easily solved by running troubleshooting. However, there may be situations when the update process cannot be finished and one or more errors are triggered. If you experienced such issues with your Windows Phone 7 device, there is one dedicated tool that can give you a helping hand and its name is Windows Phone Support Tool. This utility aims to assist you in repairing the update process of your device, which enables you to download and install the latest enhancements and benefit from the newest features and security fixes. The application only works with some error codes, but if you are having trouble performing updates on your device, it is surely worth trying. Its main window comprises a set of instructions that you must strictly follow in order to have your Windows Phone updated, together with the logging section, where you can view the history of all the performed actions. Windows Phone Support Tool can carry out the ‘repair’ process with minimal effort from the user’s part. During this process, the phone might reboot several times and the user has to make sure that the handset is unlocked after each restart. Once the job is finished, you can go ahead and run the update again normally. With a minimal interface and reduced user interaction,Windows Phone Support Tool is designed with a single purpose, namely to provide a comfortable solution for fixing various problems that prevent your handheld device from updating successfully.
