Droid Sync Manager 2.0


There are many applications that enable Android phone owners all over the world to synchronize the documents from their device with their computers, so as to make sure their data is always safe and sound. Droid Sync Manager is another such software solution, as it can be of great use if you too value the files you store on your smartphone and you want to have them backed up on your PC. Install the desktop and phone apps prior to syncing data Nonetheless, before proceeding with the actual synchronization process, you first need to ensure you have .NET Framework 4.x installed on your PC, otherwise you will not be able to make the most of the software utility. Next, you need to download and install a specialized app on your handset, namely Droid Sync Manager for Android, lest the two devices are not able to connect. Effortlessly password-protect app access Once all these conditions are met, you can connect your smartphone to your PC via its dedicated USB cable, then open the mobile app to detect the PC you want to connect to. Furthermore, you also get the possibility to select a password that needs to be entered by all users who want to access Droid Sync Manager. The same code needs to be entered on your phone, right before establishing a connection. Explore computer folders and files on your Android phone If no errors have been displayed, you should be able to browse the folders on your PC using only your Android phone, as well as download or preview the files. Alternatively, you can skip the password for the desktop client and activate the function of always allowing Android phones to connect to the computer, if you want to reduce the time it takes to get the synchronization up and running in the future. All in all, Droid Sync Manager can be of use to all those who want to constantly synchronize the documents on their smartphones with as little effort as possible.

